Roasting carrots the way it should be done

Why roasting?
Roasting carrots is the technique of choice for caramelizing the natural sugars of the carrots. You will enjoy them so much more when you roast them in this way. And that roasting doesn’t even require much effort! You do need to boil the carrots for a while before you start roasting.

It’s best to choose young carrots, with a diameter of about 2 cm. Don’t peel them, just rub them briefly under running water. We used a scouring pad for this. You can cut the carrots that are really thick lengthwise, but it is best to leave the thin ones whole. This will give you a rustic effect that will look beautiful on your plate. Leave about 2 cm of the green tops on the carrots as well.
You cook the carrots for about 3 minutes, then drain them. They will not be fully cooked yet. You have to be a little careful, because you don’t want them to break. Now the carrots need to drain and dry thoroughly.
To roast the carrots, you need a baking sheet, which you line with baking paper or aluminum foil. Add some extra flavor to the carrots by mixing them with salt and pepper. You can also leave out the pepper, and mix some oil with harissa paste. Carrots and harissa is a classic combo that never disappoints. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190°C.

Roasting carrots
Place the carrots in the oven for at least 30 minutes, or better, until they are roasted. Towards the end of the baking time, add some finely sliced lemon.

Once the carrots are out of the oven, add some fresh garden herbs on top. Carrots have a natural affinity for herbs. Try mixing the cooked carrots with curry, and add some cilantro, tarragon or leaf parsley after roasting. What you should definitely try, is serving the carrots with our Labneh!
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