Ann & Peter

Ann and Peter do not supply us with milk but with rapeseed oil. When olive oil became too expensive in 2023, we temporarily switched to sunflower oil. A little later we stood with them at a farmers market and discovered that in Mollem (near Brussels) very tasty rapeseed oil is pressed.

How many animals … euh rapeseed do you have?

Still to be completed

How many hours a day do you work on the farm?

To be completed

What is your favorite task on the farm?

Peter: “I am a bioengineer by training. So it makes sense that I like to work on the research and development part of the job.

Roses are red, rapeseed is yellow. Our oil is aromatic and mellow

What great moments stick with you?

Peter: “Every year when the rapeseed flowers are in bloom I imagine myself in the south of France but in rapeseed yellow instead of lavender blue. This is also a fantastic sight for the passerby.

Ann: “

At De Zuivelarij, sustainability is a top priority. How do you deal with that on the farm?

Ann: “I think I can say that we are a bit of a pioneer when it comes to sustainability. Everyone has solar panels by now, but we have been heating our guest rooms in the winter for years, for example, with our own cultivation of elephant grass, or miscantus.

Peter: “

The Dairy may attach great importance to sustainability but we attach even greater importance to sustainability.

What do you think of the products from De Zuivelarij?

To be completed

How do you experience the collaboration with De Zuivelarij?

Peter: “It clicked immediately between us. That’s probably because both our companies value sustainability and innovation. David does not make the most obvious products and with our rapeseed and miscantus we are a bit of pioneers ourselves. We also both see opportunities and don’t shy away from ambitious collaborations.

Ann: “We now grow three acres of rapeseed for the Zuivelarij and several times a year we bring 1000 liters of oil from Asse to Berlare. It is nice to encounter our carefully made oil into the Berloumi marinade in the store.

Is there anything important that we haven’t asked?

We have a very good corporate video in which we explain everything and which well reflects the values of our company.